but her development....oh watch out. it is crazy that she can now hold her head up all on her own for a long period of time...it helps that it essentially just props itself up on her shoulders...guess that is one perk of having a short neck and 3 chins. she has pretty good control of both her arms and legs, and sometimes even "finds" them and realizes she can control them...
she can hold herself up really good on her tummy..
and she laugh and smiles all the time. she definitely knows who her mommy and daddy are and will generally give us a smile if we act goofy enough.
height: i'm going to say 23"
medical: we have a much better control on her dietary issues than we did last month. i have tweaked my diet to cut out milk, cheese, butter, eggs, etc (all dairy)...which includes chocolate...boo! (but not dark chocolate). she is seemingly much better: happy, less spit up, less gas, less crazy big poopy diapers, etc.
sleep: still sleeping well. she usually sleeps from about 9-9:30 PM to somewhere between 6:30-7 AM. Now that she is in daycare, 7 am is about as late as she can go and we still make it to work on time (well we haven't actually made it to work on time yet, but that is what I think). Sometimes we have to WAKE her up!
sleep: still sleeping well. she usually sleeps from about 9-9:30 PM to somewhere between 6:30-7 AM. Now that she is in daycare, 7 am is about as late as she can go and we still make it to work on time (well we haven't actually made it to work on time yet, but that is what I think). Sometimes we have to WAKE her up!
diet: exclusively breastmilk still
milestones: blowing bubbles, holding head up steady, finding hands and feet, started daycare, grasping and holding toys, closely watching and following objects
likes: riding in the car, taking walks in the stroller, being talked to first thing in the morning (seriously the cutest thing ever), toys that make noise (oh how i wanted to avoid this), watching TV (i think this is similar to the noise toys...lights, movement, and noise. we don't even watch kids shows)
dislikes: being naked after bath time (although she likes bath time itself), being burped during feedings, tummy time
dislikes: being naked after bath time (although she likes bath time itself), being burped during feedings, tummy time
one more...because it is to die for