
Thursday, July 12, 2012

16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks today

Total weight gain: 3 lbs

Maternity clothes? haven't started wearing them yet, but I am obviously in i just didn't button or zip my pants! i plan on shopping this weekened

Stretch marks? not yet, but I'm stretching

Sleep: in the market for a pregnancy pillow...i have reached the point where i can't lay on my stomach (and that just sucks)

Best moment this week:  finding out we are having a GIRL and seeing her again

Wedding rings on or off? On! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time
Miss Anything? clothes that fit 

Movement: I have felt her move twice this week.  once while laying in bed...she had a FIT, and the other time tonight during yoga (she doesn't like downward dog!)

Food cravings:  currently the cornbread that is in the oven....i'm about to eat it soupy!

Anything making you queasy or sick: my vitamins

Gender: little precious GIRL

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Symptoms: stretching belly (which is accompanied by unpleasant cramps) and headaches and HUNGER!

Belly Button in or out? not so deep a matter of days it has gone from REALLY deep, to barely deep at all...I will have an outie by week 18 at this pace

Looking forward to: starting the nursery and starting shopping!
Other: here is today' s picture...i look fat, i'm going to learn how to pose like a cute pregnant woman...

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