
Monday, July 2, 2012

pre-gender reveal...MAKE YOUR PICK!

Ok, let's have a little fun! One week from today, we get to find out whether we are having a girl or boy.  In the meantime,  I thought it would be fun to get some opinions from our friends and family and start rallying the troops of Team Pink and Team Blue! Just because I wouldn't want you to make uninformed guesses, below is a list of several old wives tales and their cooresponding results as of today...and of course I ended with the results being split 50/50, because giving it away just wouldn't be any fun.  You will have to pick your method that you buy into the most or guess purely on a whim.  Leave your guess in the comments below so I can tally up the results and let you know before next monday...have fun

Heart rate test (140+: girl, 140 or below: boy) = Girl
Cravings test (sweet: girl, sour: boy) = this is split since i have been eating lots of both but mostly CRAVING sour = Boy
Chinese Birth Calendar = Girl
Mayan Even/Odd Predictor (mothers age at conception and year both even or both odd: girl, one even/one odd: boy) = Girl
Breakouts (more than normal: girl, same or less: boy) = GIRL
Ring test (back and forth: girl, circles: boy) = Boy
Sickness (yes: girl, little or no: boy) = Boy
Leg hair (not growing faster: girl, growing faster: boy) = Boy

So what do you think...PINK OR BLUE??


  1. I say girl...going with the Chinese Calendar. It is almost always right...the Chinese are smart ya know?
    (I am probably

  2. I say Team Blue. Screw old wives, this is pure intuition.

  3. I vote team blue because as I was told, and I quote, "spearman men only have male sperm"

  4. Mom votes team pink because she only knows about girls. But she says she can learn about boys real quick.
