...so today is my 16 week update day, and I promise I will get to that (probably tonight so I can post a picture with it). Don't fret, not that much has changed except my waist measurement!
the important thing is by now you ALL know that we are having a GIRL! which was a surprise as we were actually both hoping for a boy. but that's what we get for wanting something (that is what the doctor said anyway). it has been quite a blessing already...I have already found that shopping for a girl is going to be more fun than a boy. and we realized all our friends have or are having girls with the exception of a few...so she will have friends. not like she wouldn't have friends otherwise, i'm sure she will be the coolest kid EVER (kinda like me!).
i have had an intense, unrelenting desire to buy something since we found out...i'm sure that is normal, but I have been fighting it and it has resulted in massive amounts of google and etsy and pinterest searches...here is just a taste of what I am looking at
etsy.com (modmum seller)
esty.com (lottiedababy seller)
britax b-ready

boppy pillow
gdiapers (don't hate or judge me...yes I am looking at cloth diapers! this should shock NONE of you)
and it goes on and on and on...and I LOVE IT!
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